About Assessment

When patients visit the doctor (or other practioner or therapist) it is common to be asked questions relating to the patient's state of wellness. What most people do not know is that these questions are often based on one or more of a series of scientifically proven and medically endorsed (gold standard) questionaires sometimes referred to as indexes. These indexes help guide the patient review, the aim being to identify risks. The outcome of the process is a rating or a score for potentially a wide range of potential wellness risks. And from there a further diagnosis or specific therapy or prescription follow.

The Problem

We are all aware (not least of all the medical community) of the time constraints the medical community face. Or the costs the patient might incur related to appointment time and specialism. So it is often/usually not possible to apply the question-based risk assessment to more than immediate hunches based on immdediate symptoms. Of course unwellness isnt like that! And therein is the danger! A narrow (cost or time constrained) question and answer process might lead to a risk being assessed and overtime turned into a specific diagnosis and treatment pathway. However, the reality is the patient's problems are potentially far broader (more holistic) and today's symptoms are just that-symptoms! Yet this narrow attention focus can lead to symptom management and prescriptions or treatments rather than addressing the root causes. And some of those outcomes can change lives for the worse. See the Case Study

Empower Yourself!

The good news is that you can empower yourself to look more holistically at your wellness. We have taken many (and growing) gold standard indexes and integrated them into an holistic wellness assessment. The assessment then goes further and presents the scores and wellness risks back to you. And from there 'state of the art, functionally deep, end-to-end" Wellness improvement Apps, supported with comprehensive online learning videos, planning tools and databases will support you through your wellness improvement challenges. Driven by the results of your assessment.

Get Started

Before you Take the Assessment, click on each of the Wellness Indexes menu links and take a few minutes to understand more about them begining with Holistic Wellness explained. Then Take the Assessment, review your results and priorities and get started with any or all of the Body, Sleep, Mood Wellness apps. Each app is provided to you as a member of the Wellness community, without cost. They are all based on science. No fads. No gimmicks. They are all designed to take you on a journey of self-empowered improvement. Of course, you are probably sceptical. But why not give it a go! It might just change your life.

Further Asessment

Certain risks (if shown as elevated by the assessment results) can easily be further assessed with low cost resources from home. Some Further Assessment options are provided where appropriate. Whilst beneficial, the wellness processes you choose to follow subsequently remain unchanged. However, it's best to let your doctor know the outcome and share your plan.